Dedicated to providing professional occupational health medical advice
Harlow Occupational Health Service is a charity dedicated to providing independent occupational health advice and services to both large and small organisations in Harlow and within a 50 mile radius.

Independent Employee Medical Assessments
We improve health and safety within local workplaces
Hands on first aid training for all levels and all abilities
HOHS aims to provide occupational health services that are good value for money and which deliver measurable health improvements in workplaces.
HOHS members enjoy services at a discounted rate. Representatives of our members make up the Board which guides and oversees HOHS.
Our Services
Harlow Occupational Health Service offers a wide range of services to meet all our clients occupational health needs including Health Screening and Surveillance, Health Promotion and Health Assessment. These are designed to help businesses ensure they have a healthy workforce that is motivated, high performing, and is not subjected to health risk causing absence.
FREE Emergency First Aid at Work course
Our charges and costs
View our Package charges: Membership, Contract and Ad-hoc charges, together with Service Costs: Health Screening and Surveillance, Health Assessment, Health Promotion and Training costs. Plus all other charges including: Cancellation and Non-Attendance.
Companies using HOHS

HOHS also provide occupational health services to over 400 companies and organisation on an ad-hoc basis.
Message us
Harlow Occupational Health Service is conveniently located at Stephen Taylor House in Harlow. We are a short distance from Harlow Mill rail station and onsite parking for staff and visitors.
Harlow Occupational Health Services Ltd
Stephen Taylor House
Edinburgh Place
Harlow CM20 2DJ