Vision Screening
A comprehensive screening programme can provide a general overview of employee’s visual disorders, detecting those where corrective action should be taken. Those who should be screened are; Display Screen Equipment users in accordance with the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992, Van Drivers, Fork Lift Truck Drivers, Company Car Drivers, Close Inspection Workers, Occupations where ‘normal’ colour vision is desirable or essential.
What does it involve?
- Vision screening questionnaire
- Vision Screening Test (Keystone VS-II or Snellen)
- Onward referral to an optician if applicable
HOHS offer Membership, Contract and Ad-hoc packages.

Health Screening & Surveillance
Message us
Harlow Occupational Health Service is conveniently located at Stephen Taylor House in Harlow. We are a short distance from Harlow Mill rail station and onsite parking for staff and visitors.
Harlow Occupational Health Services Ltd
Stephen Taylor House
Edinburgh Place
Harlow CM20 2DJ