About HOHS
Harlow Occupational Health Service has provided advice and services to companies and their employees in Harlow, Herts, London and Essex since 1955. We work with businesses to help them keep their workforce healthy, avoid workplace injury and as a result reduce work related sickness absence.
Harlow Occupational Health Service Ltd is a Registered Charity, located at our clinic in Stephen Taylor House, Harlow for 69 years. We look after 400 or so companies for their occupational health requirements. Some use us on a regular basis, others only once or twice a year when required.

We offer a range of services, including health screening and surveillance, which are designed to help businesses ensure they have a health work force that is motivated, high performing and is not subjected to health risk causing absence, breach of legislation or compensation claim.
We also run First Aid Courses and Sport Therapy and Rehabilitation appointments at our Health Centre in Harlow, as well as offsite Physiotherapy and Counselling.
We have a range of staff, including doctors, occupational health advisors and technicians and clerical support. We are also a Registered Charity lead by a Board of Trustees.
Mission Statement
As a charity with a long history within the local/Essex community, we endeavour to educate and promote a healthy and safe lifestyle for all. Our aim is to provide a professional and affordable service to all forms of business, large and small, and to be able to inspire and support other charitable organisations along the way.
Message us
Harlow Occupational Health Service is conveniently located at Stephen Taylor House in Harlow. We are a short distance from Harlow Mill rail station and onsite parking for staff and visitors.
Harlow Occupational Health Services Ltd
Stephen Taylor House
Edinburgh Place
Harlow CM20 2DJ