Mental Health Awareness Week takes places every year, this year it will be between 15th and 21st May and the theme is Anxiety. The week aims to tackle stigma and help people understand and prioritise their and others’ mental health.
Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem. You may experience feelings of anxiety; starting a new job, leading up to exams, relationships or other big life events, and this is normal.
Anxiety can get out of control when it stops us from doing things we want or need to do. When it becomes more frequent and lasts longer, this is when it can become a problem.
Dealing with anxiety can be hard, but there are some things you can do to try and manage those feelings. See below, ways to manage these feelings.

If your feelings of anxiety are not going away, are having a negative impact on your life, or often prevent you from doing things you need or want to do, seek support. Speak to your GP or healthcare professional about the support available in your area or contact a helpline service.